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august 2024 - removed pictures, made and added posts to blog, added update log page

my inspo

my summer engineering seminar experience

august 5th 2024

day 4:

day 4 was my fave; we visited nvidia and i got to try pizza my heart (i'm officially a true californian). the nvidia visit was so cool and we spoke to a bunch of awesome engineers. i was really interested in what the hardware engineers did, which inspired me to learn more about electrical engineering. by the end of the program, i had my mind set on it. nvidia's campus was so pretty and i'd definitely love to work there.btw i made a video if you wanna see that.

for dinner, we had pizza my heart, the most expensive pizza i've ever bought. for comparison, the $24 i spent on a small vegan pizza could get me about 7 large pizzas in kenya. but it was a nice experience. afterwards, we had ice cream tacos, which sound weird but were insanely tasty. i had so much vegan ice cream in california.

we also worked on our final project, adding some finishing touches. it didn't go exactly as planned, but we had fun doing it.

day 5:

this was the last day of ses. it was great but also sad. i was happy to finally know what interests me, but sad to leave :( we started with a college applications workshop where lots of our questions about university and applying were answered. then we finished our final project work. we presented our project to some school students and representatives from verizon and southwest airlines. our car didn't win 1st place, but it moved, which was still a win. we had a group lunch where we spent our last moments together as people slowly went back home.

so what did i learn?

bioengineering is actually really cool.

i used to think aeronautical engineering was my thing, but it turns out electrical engineering is where my heart is.

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