update log

august 2024 - removed pictures, made and added posts to blog, added update log page

my inspo

the trail

august 3rd 2024

day 3:

we walked 16 km on this day. most tiring day for sure. the weather was a bit more considerate, so i didn't have a terrible headache and most of our walk was downhill. the view was so pretty on this day, and get this, there was still snow on some parts!!

we got to a small lakeside campsite, chilled there, and swam a bit in the lake. i was so tired, so right after swimming and i went to sleep. i noticed that during the hike i wasn't feeling hungry much (WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE I MADE AND GO 2 DAYS LIVING OFF OF ELECTROLYTES AND HALF CLIF BARS).

day 4:

peak aura loss day -- i was sick. i slept in until 10am, and when i woke up, the whole world was spinning, and i had a fever. this was also the day people had the option to leave since it was the closest point we would be from a road until we finished the hike. lots of people left, like from my group alone about 3 people. it was VERY tempting to go back and get a hotel or something, but i really wanted to keep on going. luckily, that day we stayed in since there was another thunderstorm warning (tbh, i found it SOOO weird how literally it could be 36°C and then BOOM thunderstorm warning). i spent most of that day resting and i got a new tentmate from the thunderstorm, and she was so cool to be around.

ALSO, I'VE BEEN MEANING TO RANT ABOUT THIS, BUT SOMEONE FROM THE TAIL GROUP TOOK MY BEAR BAG WITH ALL MY FOOD :( but my teammates gave me some food, which i'm super grateful for :)

day 5:

we walked 16 km that day. our team decided to walk back since we were worried about having no water supply for 10 miles. our water filter was also significantly slower since it was doing its job filtering water, so going 10 miles with not enough water wouldn't have been a good idea. i was feeling a lot better, and i was so happy to be back on the trail. we had a lot of uphill that day, and i had to take a lot more breaks since i didn't want to push myself to the point of passing out. everyone was super understanding of how i was feeling, which i really appreciate. we got to the 2nd campsite we stopped at. we rested there, and it was so cold that night, omg.

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