update log

august 2024 - removed pictures, made and added posts to blog, added update log page

my inspo

the trail

august 3rd 2024


so after i built the bed (refer to the last post), i caught a flight to the other side of the globe to do lots of stuff. but obviously, as you can tell by the title, i'm going to be talking about the trail, a hikeathon (hiking + hackathon). so, i landed in reno at 4pm and started prepping for the hike the next day: packing up freeze-dried food, and shopping for a few more things. a few weeks before that, we were working on the different stuff we'd submit to the hikeathon. my group submitted an nfc badge that would open a website with everyone's projects on it.

day 1:

started off with quite a bang since ups hadn't delivered our badges for the hike, so we left a little late. but we made it to donner pass where the trail started. at around 4pm, we kicked it off and walked about 2 miles to our first campsite.

i forgot to mention that we were about 30-something people, and each group had 10-12 people. the groups were split into head (fastest), body (medium-paced - i was here), and tail (slower-paced). we got to the campsite, had dinner, and the first thing i did was sleep and sleep and sleep (i was still pretty jetlagged).

day 2:

we woke up at 8am, had breakfast, and started walking at 9am. we walked about 4 kilometers (sorry americans) that day. we did stop for lunch, but after that, we got a thunderstorm warning, so we set up camp there.

this was by far my worst day since i was jetlagged and overheating very fast. usually, even in like 40°C, i'd just get a headache, but i quite literally nearly passed out ON THE EDGE OF A HILL. -900,000 aura moment fr (i lose aura on multiple occasions btw). the overheating was because of some medication which makes you more likely to be dehydrated in the summer too. i was very much considering going off the meds for a while until the hike was over, but that would've probs had worse side effects.

anyways, there was in fact a thunderstorm, but we were all warm and cozy in our tents. i had a tent to myself for a while since i was the only girl in my group.

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